German B1 Oral Exam Prep. with a Song – with free live class
German B1 Oral Exam Prep. with a Song – with free live class, Learn how to introduce yourself in German.
Course Description
Imagine you are in a group of German-speaking people. Everyone is introducing themselves. You can follow, and you are happy to understand, happy to meet people, but then it is your turn. You are supposed to say who you are and describe what you do so your new acquaintances can start relating to what you say, but — nothing comes out of your mouth. The words are stuck in your brain – if you even remember them in that very moment. Too much pressure.
This is what I made my German learning songs for. They will help you rewire your brain when it comes to German, so the words will come with ease.
In this mini-course, you will learn a simple dialogue to introduce yourself. Learn some small talk. It will all help you to start making relationships with other people in German. The Magic of this course is: MUSIC.
You can listen to the song and start singing along – this is how you will memorize the sentences.
This little dialogue memorized will not only help you to feel more confident in your everyday life, but also this is a part of the German A1, A2 and B1 exam. You can only benefit from this experience.
All materials I offer are around difficult grammar topics or dialogue situations. I have written and produced songs that help you with the biggest challenges.
Now, let’s enjoy some music. And learn German.
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