Basics in Management of Volunteers

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Basics in Management of Volunteers, Key Components of Volunteer Management / The Role of Volunteer Managers / Developing a Volunteer Management Plan.

Hello and welcome! I’m thrilled to have you join the Basics of Volunteer Management – online training course.

Throughout this course, we will cover essential topics that are crucial for every volunteer manager to understand. These topics include the significance of volunteer management, effective strategies for recruiting and selecting volunteers, best practices for orienting and training volunteers, methods for engaging and motivating volunteers, solutions for retaining volunteers, and the importance of planning a project involving volunteers.

I bring extensive experience in volunteer management, having worked with volunteers for over 12 years. As a youth worker, trainer, industrial and organisational psychologist, and general manager of a youth-focused non-profit organisation, I have been involved in various Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects, collaborating with volunteers and partners from different continents. Additionally, I have personally volunteered for local, national, and international educational, cultural, and athletic events.

Volunteers play a vital role in the success of nonprofit organisations. However, managing volunteers can be challenging, even for experienced youth workers. It requires dedication, commitment, and the right tools and technologies.

By completing this online training course, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage volunteers and make a positive impact in your community. We will cover foundational aspects of volunteer management, including the importance of volunteer managers, effective recruitment and selection strategies, training and engagement techniques, and creating an inclusive environment for diverse volunteers. We will also address the critical challenge of volunteer retention and provide strategies to overcome it.

This course is designed to provide you with practical skills and knowledge that you can immediately apply within your organisation. By the end of the course, you will have the confidence to plan a volunteering project, navigate the essential steps of recruitment, training, retention, and management of volunteers, and embark on your role as a volunteer manager, even if you have little or no prior experience.

Thank you for joining this course, and I look forward to guiding you through the fundamentals of volunteer management.

This material has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this material reflects the views only of the authors and the National Agency or the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information.

Basics in Management of Volunteers
Basics in Management of Volunteers
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