PIANO for SINGERS : begin your self-taught journey

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PIANO for SINGERS : begin your self-taught journey, Learn piano, piano lessons for singers, piano for beginners, learn to sing along with the piano, play the piano by ear.

Free Piano Course to Kickstart Your Musical Journey

Have you always dreamed of mastering the piano but don’t know where to start? Look no further! The Musique-Head free piano course is specifically designed for those who want to embark on their musical journey as self-taught musicians, with the intention of accompanying themselves while singing, or accompanying other singers.

In this mini-course, you will discover the keys to finding your own musical path, whether you choose a more traditional route like the conservatory or opt to become self-taught. We also address the crucial question: “Why start with the piano?” You will understand the importance of this versatile instrument in musical development.

Additionally, you’ll also get access to the first two videos of the full Musique-Head course, allowing you to dive straight into piano learning and start your journey!

I strongly believe that music lies within everybody and that this is my mission : allow anybody to experiment and enjoy music! It is not as hard as it may seem at first, so let go of the limiting beliefs and just embrace this ability of yours!

Start your adventure with confidence and passion and discover the wonderful world of music! Musicians are not born, they are made.



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