Personal Transformation: 14 Day Personal Development Program

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Personal Transformation: 14 Day Personal Development Program, The Fastest & Easiest Way To Destroy Limiting Beliefs, Heal Emotionally & Consciously Create The Life Of Your Dreams!

Welcome To Personal Transformation! This easy to follow, step-by-step 14 day program gives you an in depth look at the fastest and easiest way to destroy your negative beliefs, heal emotionally and consciously create your dream reality. WITHOUT working hard, stressing yourself out or falling back into old habits.


  1. Uncover & Remove Negative Beliefs.
  2. Discover & Integrate Your Hidden Shadow.
  3. Heal Your Past & Finally Get Closure.
  4. Become Emotionally Intelligent.
  5. Learn The Secrets Of Manifestation.
  6. Have A Personal Transformation & Become The Conscious Creator Of Your Life.


DAY 1: Deep Analysis Of Belief Systems

DAY 2: Identify Your Core Beliefs And Break Patterns

DAY 3: Adopting A New Empowering Belief System

DAY 4: Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Inner Shadow

DAY 5: Shadow Work For Creativity, Clarity And Acceptance

DAY 6: Integrating Your Shadow For Empowerment

DAY 7: Process And Heal Emotional Blockages

DAY 8: Healing The Past To Move Into The Present

DAY 9: Understanding Vibration Set Point: How To Shift Your Frequency

DAY10: Consciously Creating Your Reality: How Create The Life Of Your Dreams

DAY 11: Finding Your Purpose and Connecting To Your Hearts Desires

DAY 12: 8 Steps To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

DAY 13: Habits To Build Lasting Change In Your Life

DAY 14: The Transformational Toolkit: Tools To Help You On Your Journey


✔ The Full Mind Transformation Program: 14 Days

✔ 70 Value Packed Video Tutorials.

✔ 10 Powerful Downloadable Transformation Worksheets.

✔ The enlightening “connect to your higher self” guided audio meditation.

✔ Unlimited Lifetime Access.


 Daily manifestation worksheets and gratitude journal.

✔ The Transformation Toolkit: A powerful set of tools that can help you make significant change in your life.


How will I know If this programme will work for me?

If you are not sure that this course will work for you, I understand how you feel. When I started on my journey of personal development, I was not confident that anything would help me, it was actually one of the limiting beliefs I had. I found it hard to trust others. But something inside kept pushing me along the path. What I have learned is that sometimes you have to step outside you comfort zone and take a bold move. Its time to take that bold move now friend!

Can’t I learn all of this on YouTube?

YouTube is a fantastic resource with more videos than any individual is capable of watching. But a side effect of only learning on YouTube is that you’ll waste dozens of hours learning the same thing, searching for tutorials only to find partial answers and not having precise exercises designed to help set you free and truly learn the skills you need OR exactly what actions to take & in what order is the most effective. If you want to remove your hidden limiting beliefs, heal emotionally and consciously create your life FAST, then this program is for you. Plus, what is your time worth? This program will save you years of frustrated time searching for answers, taking actions out of sequence making you have to start over and most likely, implementing less effectively than you would with a proven guide. For some – that’s money well spent!

What are the enrolment requirements?

No previous experience is required. All you need is the desire for positive change in your life!

Who This Course Is For?

  • You feel stuck, lost, powerless or uncertain in life and are ready for positive change.
  • You’re ready to take action and step out of your COMFORT ZONE.
  • If you value being able to accomplish BIG SHIFTS by implementing chronological step-by-step action items then this is the ultimate course for you.
  • You want to easily destroy negative beliefs in 14 DAYS and attract wealth, health & Love without working hard, stressing out or falling back into old patterns.

Who This Course Is NOT For?

  • You do not value saving time following proven plans.
  • Your aren’t willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.

I want to deliver insane value to anyone who chooses to enrol today. Similar programmes out there cost thousands of dollars and those programmes don’t dive anywhere near as deep or they only go into one aspect of the process needed for a complete transformation.

So right now if you’re serious about starting this next chapter in your life there has never been a better time to do so, if you’re ready I’m excited to help you start creating your dream life, click the Button and Enroll Now.

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