Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, A free course looking at the most important strategies to help you manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

This course is for anyone recently diagnosed with Chronic  Fatigue Syndrome, or struggling with their symptoms and needing more help.

There is very little help available from the medical profession for CFS/ME, but that does not mean that you cannot improve your symptoms and eventually recover completely.  Many people have used the strategies I discuss to recover from CFS and live a normal life.

In this free course I look at some of the most important elements and strategies to manage your day-to-day symptoms and get you started in the recovery process.  We will look at:

Diagnosis:  how to deal with your diagnosis, what it means, and how to move on.

Pacing: What it means and how to do it.

Rest and Relaxation: How to introduce good quality rest and relaxation, including meditation and mindfulness, which can also improve your sleep – one of the most important elements in CFS recovery

Exercise: The importance of exercise, and how to do it without worsening your symptoms.

This course forms an introduction to my main course, CFS – The Road to Recovery, but can also be used as a stand alone course to give you some extra tips and advice in managing your CFS.

Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Free $0.00
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