Currency Fluctuations: The Role of Shifting Demand & Supply
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Currency Fluctuations: The Role of Shifting Demand & Supply, Currency Swings: A Matter of Supply & Demand, How Shifting Demand and Supply Move Currencies.
- What is meant by exchange rate?
- What are the reasons for increase in foreign exchange demand?
- What is the impact of increase in foreign exchange demand on exchange rate?
- When foreign exchange demand increases, there is appreciation or depreciation of foreign currency? Comment.
- When demand of foreign exchange increases, what is the impact on domestic currency?
- When forex demand increases, the new demand curve shifts to the right or left of the previous demand curve?
- Why demand of foreign exchange decreases?
- What is the impact of decrease in foreign exchange demand on exchange rate?
- When demand of foreign exchange decreases, the demand curve also shifts – whether to the right or left of existing demand curve?
- When foreign exchange demand decreases, there is appreciation or depreciation of foreign currency. Discuss.
- What may be the possible reasons behind the increase in supply of foreign exchange?
- When foreign exchange supply increases, what is the effect on exchange rate?
- When supply for foreign exchange increases, the supply curve shifts to right or left. Comment.
- What are the possible reasons for the supply of foreign exchange to decrease?
- When foreign exchange supply decreases, what is the affect on exchange rate?
- What is the effect on supply curve when supply of foreign exchange decreases?