Design Thinking For Startups

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Design Thinking For Startups, Learn the important parts of creating a startup using Design Thinking and advanced Customer Acquisition techniques.

This course is about design thinking and it’s applications to businesses and startups. In this course we’ll teach you about a 4 step method: Think, Test, Execute, Learn (TTEL) that can transform all of your business processes and lead your business to success and profit.

We will walk you through the 4 stages of creating and running a startup- Customer Discovery, Customer Validation, Customer Creation, Company Building and the design thinking mindset you will have to have through the process.

One of our aims is to help demystify the Customer Creation process by showing you effective solutions to Customer Acquisition.

We believe that modern design is similar to the scientific method and that we must validate our ideas. A good entrepreneur or business person should place his customers as close to the product during the product development process as possible this is called the “go and see” method.

In this course we outline prototyping methods for your ideas. We will show you empathy map creation to come to  hypothesis on customer motive. We will show you user stories and requirements documentation to refine your prototypes to a MVP (Minimal Viable Product).

So get ready for TTEL (Think, Test, Execute, Learn) and Design Thinking to transform your business and lead you to success.

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